Talon’s Point of the Day – June 26th, 2015 What Happens When There Are No Rules That Apply To You?

John Robert TransLegislator

What happens when there are no rules that apply to you? You can justify your previous wrongs by simply becoming your own rule maker. Thank you Chief Justice John Robert! I’m sure we’ll all get to make our own rules now, right?

Talon’s Point of the Day – Jan 30th, 2015 “You’ve Seen One Communist, You’ve Seen Them All”

China, Russia (I know, they claim to no longer be communist) and other communist nations torture and murder their own citizens for believing in God and you think America and Europe’s power hungry communists, ie socialists, ie democrats wouldn’t secretly love to do the same?

Talon’s Point of the Day – Feb 6th, 2014 “The Tyranny of Smidgeon”

The Tyranny of Smidgeon

Daddy, what’s a “Smidgeon?” – Son

It’s a preponderance of evidence treated as nothing by those with the power to get away with it. – Dad

This dear children is a perfect opportunity to crystallize the sometimes difficult to define, almost nebulous, concept of soft tyranny into something that can be easily discerned by all who care to see, save for those who look to the source of tyranny for their daily bread.

“When We, the People, grant OUR power to government and entrust in it that power with the expectation it will use it wisely and honorably, then discover this power is abused by being used against us, and more so selectively, then find those whom we entrusted this power denying and obfuscating their abuse of power, then insulting our intelligence that they have abused this power by comparing it to something miniscule as a “smidgeon” and as claimed fact only the coalescence of random errors, we are witnessing the soft tyranny that leads to hard tyranny. What we are witnessing is the Tyranny of Smidgeon.” – Talon

Talon’s Point of the Day – Feb 4th, 2014

I’ve said it before and will keep saying it as it’s a concept so difficult for people from all political and ideological bents to grasp…”When you empower government to enforce your beliefs on others, except for enforcing the protection of one’s liberties, you ultimately create and empower the very Beast (I capitalize with intent) that will later turn on and kill you for not submitting to it’s authority being granted by someone else. This includes Christian and atheist alike. That is why the only safe form of human government is that which protects individual liberty, including liberty that offends us but does not directly impact us. In so doing we protect the right of the religious to answer to God in accordance with his own conscience like the Prophet Daniel, without oppression, and the non-religious as well.  Other wise, what will eventually come, is a one world government of, by, and for a single man, where worship will be required of him and him alone.

This notion that fallen and sinful man can establish and enforce God’s laws was proven a fallacy by the nation of Israel. Even though God gave man the law he knew it would also only lead to death, thus His foretelling of our need of a Savior. Furthermore, despite claims by some Christians that it is the duty of believers to create a human government that enforces the principles of Christ is as foolish as thinking the Talmudic law was designed to save man rather than to reveal to man his need of a Savior. One cannot enforce the law of love on others. We do well to enforce it on our own deceitful hearts.

Now that does NOT mean we should NOT have laws based on God’s law. Indeed we should. If no one says “Do not murder”  how then can we provide consequence for murder. But when we say “you WILL give to your neighbor we seek to break the spiritual bond between God and the human heart, thus making God’s spirit of no import. This ironically is by definition a form of communism, theocratic or atheistic, satanic, and antichrist in nature.”

Talon’s Point of the Day – Jan 16th, 2014

“Alexis de Tocqueville was correct. We’ve chosen to be equal in slavery rather than unequal in poverty, and the Washington elitists couldn’t be happier with our choice.” – Talon