War indeed.


BLOGGER’s NOTE: I know I don’t need to tell most of you what a travesty today’s ruling on Obamacare is to the future of our nation. My eyes spontaneously filled as the ruling was declared and the shock of the twisted interpretation (legislation) of a new definition for TAX was made clear. My eyes filled, and it became obvious that WAR had been declared. No, not WAR with guns and bullets (at least, not yet,) but with ideals, words, intellect, and … COURAGE! The enemies of FREEDOM have declared war on our remaining liberties and those of us who appreciate them. We must stand strong! We must be courageous! We cannot give up or wax doubtful. We cannot use the weapons our opponents use – the divisive & slanderous language that has brought us to the precipice of self-annihilation. This is the WAR: What America will we pass on…

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