Koran’s Jesus

And there you have it. Even the Quran can not deny the divinity of Christ


What does the Koran have to say about Jesus? This muslim did his homework. Watch to find out what he found, or read the story below:

Who is Jesus?

While I was working in a muslim mosque as an imam, as a parish priest, I preach in my parish that Jesus Christ is not God, for me, God was only Allah, and I believed Allah never got married, so no sons for Allah. So I preached there that Jesus is not God. Then somebody ask me, ‘Who is Jesus?’ from the crowd. Maybe a muslim, but he asked me, ‘Who is Jesus?’ I was preaching he is not God, but the question is who is he? To know who is Jesus? I read the entire Koran once again: 114 chapters, 6666 words in the Koran when I read it. The name of prophet Muhammad, I found it in Koran 4 places…

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2 thoughts on “Koran’s Jesus

  1. Al D. January 14, 2016 / 8:51 AM

    Absolutely fascinating! I am going to see if I can verify that those things are in the Koran. Thanks for this, Talon.

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